The United States from 1919 to 1939

An Era of Transformation and Uncertainty

The period between 1919 and 1939 marked a transformative era in the history of the United States.

This two-decade span witnessed significant changes in politics, society, and the economy, shaped by the aftermath of The First World War, the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the Great Depression, Prohibition, segregation, international relations, and the nation's evolving stance on global involvement.

Despite an initial inclination towards isolationism, the United States found itself increasingly entangled in international affairs, ultimately leading to its involvement in the Second World War.

The Aftermath of the First World War

The conclusion of The First World War in 1919 brought about significant changes in the United States. As one of the victors, the nation emerged as a global superpower.

The Treaty of Versailles, which formally ended the war, was debated intensely in the United States. President Woodrow Wilson's vision for a League of Nations, aimed at preventing future conflicts, faced opposition from isolationist elements in Congress, ultimately leading to the Senate's rejection of the treaty in 1920.

The failure to ratify the Treaty of Versailles left the United States outside the League of Nations, highlighting its initial inclination towards isolationism.

Roaring Twenties and the Shift to Conservatism

The 1920s, often referred to as the "Roaring Twenties," were marked by a significant shift in American politics. Republican presidents Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover embraced a conservative agenda focused on limited government intervention and pro-business policies.

This era was characterized by economic growth, technological advancements, and cultural innovations. However, it also saw a rise in nativism and anti-immigrant sentiment, epitomized by the Immigration Act of 1924, which severely restricted immigration.

Social Changes: The Jazz Age and Prohibition

The 1920s brought about a cultural revolution in the United States, known as the Jazz Age. Jazz music, flapper fashion, and the "Lost Generation" of writers and artists symbolized this period of social change.

However, perhaps the most iconic aspect of the 1920s was Prohibition.

The 18th Amendment, which prohibited the sale, production, and transportation of alcohol, led to the rise of illegal speakeasies and organized crime, notably embodied by figures like Al Capone.

Prohibition also had unintended consequences, such as the empowerment of criminal organizations and a general disregard for the law, ultimately leading to its repeal in 1933 with the 21st Amendment.

Notorious mobster, Al Capone, whose criminal enterprise flourished thanks to prohibition.

The Great Depression: Economic Catastrophe

The Wall Street Crash of 1929 marked the beginning of the Great Depression, the most devastating economic crisis in American history. The stock market crash resulted in widespread unemployment, bank failures, and a sharp decline in industrial production.

Herbert Hoover's initial response was rooted in a belief in self-reliance and limited government intervention. However, as the crisis deepened, the federal government was forced to take more significant measures, including the establishment of the New Deal under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

A mum and her 2 children, forced to live in their car during the Great Depression. 

Perry Dolmans Perry Dolmans (@perrydolmans) • Instagram photos and videos

The New Deal and the Expansion of Government

FDR's New Deal represented a fundamental shift in American politics and government.

The New Deal programs aimed at alleviating the suffering caused by the Great Depression through a range of initiatives, including Social Security, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

While the New Deal brought relief to many Americans, it also expanded the federal government's role in the economy and people's lives, a concept that challenged traditional notions of limited government intervention.

US President Franklin D Roosevelt's New Deal, helped the country recover from the Great Depression.

Perry Dolmans Perry Dolmans (@perrydolmans) • Instagram photos and videos

Segregation: A Dark Stain on American Society

Despite some progress in race relations during the 1920s, segregation remained deeply entrenched in many parts of the United States. The 1920s saw the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and a resurgence of racial violence.

African Americans continued to face discrimination, economic hardship, and disenfranchisement in the South.

The Great Migration, during which millions of African Americans moved from the South to northern cities, began in earnest during this period, bringing about demographic and cultural shifts.

Isolationism and the Path to The Second World War

Throughout the 1920s and early 1930s, the United States maintained a policy of isolationism, seeking to avoid entanglement in European conflicts. The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, which renounced war as a means of resolving disputes, exemplified this approach. However, events in Europe and Asia increasingly challenged American isolationism.

In Europe, the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany and the expansionist policies of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy raised concerns about the stability of the international order. The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) served as a precursor to the broader conflict that would engulf Europe.

While the United States officially maintained a policy of non-intervention in the Spanish Civil War, many Americans volunteered to fight on both sides, highlighting the complex sentiments regarding international involvement.

In Asia, Japan's aggressive expansion into Manchuria in 1931 and subsequent actions in China posed a threat to American interests in the Pacific. The United States responded with diplomatic protests, but these did little to deter Japan's ambitions.

The turning point towards greater international involvement came with the outbreak of The First World WarI in 1939. While the United States initially declared its neutrality, events such as the fall of France in 1940 and the Battle of Britain intensified the debate about America's role in the conflict. The Lend-Lease Act of 1941, which provided military aid to countries fighting against the Axis powers, marked a significant departure from isolationism and indicated increasing support for the Allies.

Further reading